How to remove broken stylus pen nibs from Fojojo Stylus (and mini review)

I recently bought a new stylus for my iPad, and no it’s not the Apple Pencil. It’s the Fojojohorrible Active stylus. It’s affordable at $36

So far it works flawlessly, but the moment it fell the nib broke off instantly. I have other styluses with pen nibs and I can 100% assure you that none of them have broken off after slightly falling to the floor. So the pen nibs that come with this stylus are without a doubt awful. The stylus itself though is pretty decent.

broken active stylus pen nib

Here’s my stylus with the broken pin nib. The tip is so dull, and flat that it cannot be pulled out

Let’s cut to the chase...

Here's how you can remove a broken stylus nib that you can’t normally pull out

This is my basically warped baby safety pin after removing the pin nib using the first method. 


This is the solution I tried. 

Use a needle or safety pin.

You need to poke the broken pen nib, and pull it out (this worked for the first nib that broke). You can also pick at it with the needle until it comes out (more time consuming though)



Method 2:

If this doesn’t work add some heat to your needle/pin (this worked for the second nib that broke later that night).


Take a safety pin or needle and burn the end of it with a lighter. 

Press it against the tip of your broken pen nib until it pierces through the now melting plastic it comes in contact with.

Wait a few seconds. 

Tilt your pin/needle slightly to the side (for it to have a bit more grip), and slowly guide/pull the broken pin nib out of the stylus. Attempt to do it again if it fails the first time.

That’s how I did it (twice on the same day. Both pin nibs broke instantly after falling…I barely even had a chance to draw with them).

Finally my broken pin nib is out now for the second time today, but this time using the second method. 

Now here’s my mini review of the Active Stylus (the brand I got was from Fojojo--horrible):


Writing with the stylus is smooth and effortless. Palm rejection is almost always on point.

Drawing with the stylus is wonderful, but it does not have any pen pressure sensitivity at all, and unlike all my other styluses it doesn’t work with my iPhone (and considering I draw comics on my phone too since it’s more portable this sucks big time for me).

If pen pressure is an absolute must for you as an artist go with the apple pencil. If you don’t care go with this stylus just make sure you get your pen nibs from another company 😛

The only thing that honestly sucks with the Fojojo stylus are the trash pin nibs that break easily. Other than that they’re amazing 🙂

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